Who we are.


To preserve, study and communicate the experience of childhood, and the values of curiosity, creativity and learning. It is committed to defending children’s competence, curiosity, imagination, ambition, desires and their fundamental human rights.


The “Associazione Centro Internazionale di Ricerca della Cultura e dell’Infanzia APS” is a non-commercial and non-profit organisation and exclusively pursues civic, philanthropic and socially useful purposes in the field of culture, with educational projects mainly dedicated to children. In particular, the Association intends to spread the values of art, literature, research and culture in general, with the aim of educating and communicating the artistic experience to children, as fragile and disadvantaged subjects, with particular regard to those who have to deal with difficult economic and social realities as per art. 1, letter l) of the Third Sector Code and art. 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (New York, 20 November 1989).

International Advisory Board.

The international advisory board is comprised of experts in early childhood, literature and history. It meets approximately three times a year to decide strategy and develop collaborative projects. Its current members are:

James Bradburne

James Bradburne

Pinacoteca di Brera
Biblioteca Braidense
Carla Rinaldi

Carla Rinaldi

Fondazione Reggiochildren
Jack Zipes

Jack Zipes

University of Minnesota
Peter Sis

Peter Sìs

Andersen prize 2015
Giorgia Grilli

Giorgia Grilli

Bologna University
Giulia De Florio

Giulia de Florio

Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia – UNIMORE
Federica Rossi

Federica Rossi

Kunsthistorisches Institut

Dorena Caroli

Bologna University
Pietro Corraini

Pietro Corraini

Corraini Edizioni
Devorah Block

Devorah Block

Circles Squared
Giuseppina Di Gangi

Giuseppina Di Gangi

Ministero della Cultura – MIC


The Centre has initiated collaborations – which are at varying stages of development – with several institutions, including:

  • State Children’s Library, Moscow
  • La petite bibliothèque ronde, Clamart, FRANCE
  • The Iona and Peter Opie Archive, Sheffield University/UCL, London
  • Fondazione Reggiochildren, Reggio Emilia
  • University of Modena Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE)
  • Kunsthistorisches Institute, Florence
  • OPLA children’s library, Bolzano

Where we are.

The Association is hosted by the Biblioteca nazionale Braidense, Italy’s third most important national library, after Rome and Florence. It was founded in 1786 by Maria Theresa Habsburg, and is home to the country’s most important collection of the works of Manzoni, as well as the rare books archive of Umberto Eco. Its vast collections include material in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Syriac, as well as an extensive collection of artist’s books, periodicals and children’s literature. In 2019, with the generous support of the Allenora Foundation, the library created a new educational space to host several Milanese associations and provide space for hands-on workshops.

Events and News

Anniversary of war in Ukraine
February 24th, 2023

Anniversary of war in Ukraine

War is one of the greatest scourges of humanity and has long been one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse. War spares no one and modern war tactics, introduced a century ago at the start of the Great War, are ruthless in their targeting of the innocent: families, mothers and especially children.

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Get involved!

CIRCI depends on the support of generous individuals, foundations and companies.
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With the support of
Fondazione Berti
A special thanks to
The Marlene and Paolo Fresco Foundation
Francesco Brioschi
Miel de Botton
Francesco Baggi Sisini

Contacts: International Centre for Research in the Culture of Childhood
Via Brera 28 | 20145 Milano (Italy) | CF 97916010156

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